Deadline: November 21, 2017 00:00 CET
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Eligibility:Ā Every individual, private or public institution, companies, NGOs, etc. can submit a project. The submission is free.


The objective of the ENERGY GLOBE Award is to present successful sustainable projects to a global audience and to demonstrate that for many environmental problems feasible solutions already exist.

Projects submitted from over 170 countries take part each year in the awards.

For 2017 innovative projects and smart technologies from around the world are invited to take part again. Participation is open to projects with the focus on resource conservation, improving air and water quality, energy efficiency and renewable energies.

But also projects that focus on the creation of awareness in these areas will be eligible to participate.

Why participate?

The best projects will be honored as part of a ceremony that will be broadcast worldwide as well as featured by the international media. International winning projects for the 6 award categories of Earth, Fire, Water, Air, Youth and “Sustainable Plastics” will also each receive a cash award.

In each country, the best project is awarded the National Energy Globe Award and presented at the global online platform of Energy Globe.

Award Categories

Category EarthĀ 

Any measures that contribute to this effort can be submitted in this category, including projects on topics such as building materials, buildings, energy plants, and traffic routes.

Category Fire

Projects that involve energy production, the use of renewable fuels, energy distribution and transport, energy utilization, and energy optimization and thereby achieve optimized efficiency and sustainability can be submitted in this category.

Category Water

Any measures that contribute in this direction can be submitted for an ENERGY GLOBE. This includes projects in areas such as drinking water supply, domestic water, irrigation, protection of waterways, shipping, and avoidance and treatment of wastewater.

Category Air

Any measures that contribute to improving air quality, including the avoidance of CO2 emissions (climate change), can participate in the ENERGY GLOBE. This includes projects involving optimization of combustion processes, reduction of greenhouse gases or emissions, indoor air quality, etc.

Category Youth

Any measures that promote sustainable thinking and action on the part of young people and any actions that young people implement for the benefit of our environment can be submitted for an ENERGY GLOBE in the category Youth.

Special category on the issue “sustainable plastics

Plastic is a constant companion in our life. Plastic is, on the one hand, a guarantor of prosperity, comfort and progress but on the other hand also a threat to life and environment when handled incorrectly.

Therefore, in the special category of the issue “smart plastics” sustainable projects are wanted that is no burden for the environment in production or use and in the course of which plastics can be recycled and used again in a sustainable way.

Are you eligible for participation?

Eligible for participation are projects with a focus on saving resources, improving air, soil, or water quality, increasing energy efficiency, using renewables, as well as anyone making a contribution towards the fight against climate change. No project is too small and none is too big!

Projects can be entered by individuals as well as companies, organizations, and public authorities. Several projects may be entered by a single competitor. Entry is free of charge.

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