Since its foundation inĀ 2006, ISWiB (or International Student Week in Belgrade) quickly became one of the most important student festivals in Europe. Every year, students from around the world gather in Belgrade for a week, to exchange ideas for a better future around different core themes and form lasting friendships.

This year, ISWiB is held from the 12th until the 19th of July, in the capital city of Serbia. A fee of EUR 120 for international students, or EUR 40 for local students, covers participation costs, accommodation, and meals throughout the week.

This yearā€™s goal is to ā€œUnwrapā€ the taboo layers and dig to the core problems of the society, understand them, search for possible solutions, and develop sustainable ways of implementation for the new ideas and concepts. Cultural exchange will be fostered throughout the entire programme of the festival, with the purpose of developing higher tolerance, learning, and sharing of different perspectives.

The workshops of the festival aim to:

  • Unwrap Belgrade ā€“ Discover the city on the Danube, get lost inside the Kalemegdan fortress, walk through the new and the old cities, feel its energy, admire its people, and learn about its rich history.
  • Unwrap the Antibiotic ā€“ Are you passionate about discoveries, innovation, science, or biology? If you are you curious about how antibiotics work, then check in with this workshop.
  • Unwrap the Unexpected ā€“ If you believe that the small things you do can have a big impact on others, then this workshop is for you.
  • Unwrap the Old Hold ā€“ Let your creativity solve the puzzle of sustainability, by merging industrial design and recycling into beautiful new concepts and ideas.
  • Unwrap the StartApp ā€“ When the unemployment of Europe hits unbearable levels, let your ideas of internet businesses bloom during this workshop.
  • Unwrap the Pattern ā€“ Meet with people of other cultures, understand the background of each person, challenge stereotypes, and learn how to look at the world through different eyes.
  • Unwrap the Critic ā€“ Challenge the pieces of information that you receive and learn how to build your own opinions in a critical way.
  • Unwrap the Contrast ā€“ Learn about the history of Belgrade and the cultures that have influenced throughout the years, how this city currently looks like.
  • Unwrap that Walk of Life ā€“ Address the topic of domestic violence through art.
  • Guerilla Unwrap ā€“ Do you have any experience with case studies of marketing? Then join this workshop and expose your majestic ideas of a better world.

Opportunity summary

ISWiB 2015
International Student Week in Belgrade
Application deadline: Rolling basis
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Dates: July 12-19, 2015
Venue: Belgrade, Serbia
Fee: 120ā‚¬ for foreign students and 40ā‚¬ for domestic students.


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