Dates: January 22-25, 2018 | Register here
Prices: starting from USD 575,-; free pass to some of the events available
Location: Orlando, the United States

IoT Evolution Expo 2018

Meet with the IoT ecosystem and worldwide business leaders and learn how to leverage the power of the IoT to transform and move your business forward.

Through informative conference tracks, an IoT Exhibition floor, case studies, special events, networking and more you will understand how the Internet of Things (IoT) will be the driving forces behind improving efficiencies, driving revenue opportunities and solving business problems across multiple industries and in nearly all business functional areas.

Driving Business Transformation Through the Internet of Things

Meet with the IoT ecosystem and worldwide business leaders and learn how to leverage the power of the IoT to transform and move your business forward.

Through informative conference tracks, an IoT Exhibition floor, case studies, special events, networking and more you will understand how the Internet of Things (IoT) will be the driving forces behind improving efficiencies, driving revenue opportunities and solving business problems across multiple industries and in nearly all business functional areas.

IoT Evolution Includes

IoT Enterprise Operations

From field service to manufacturing, the IoT’s impact on companies of all types is astounding. In order to derive the full benefit of the IoT, companies must be positioned to plan, develop and implement solutions. This track will identify and discuss the enterprise opportunity and where IoT will have the most impact including:

  • How to ensure efficient execution of IoT implementations
  • Storage, bandwidth and infrastructure requirements for
    Managing your global asset inventory
  • Fleet Management: Optimizing time and routes
  • Role of IoT in optimizing field operations
  • Oil and Gas applications; maintaining security
  • Low power wide area networks
  • Inventory Management, Remote monitoring, supply chain and logistic
  • Gateway architectures to IoT applications

Business Intelligence and Analytics Track

Understand how to unlock the value of the massive amount of data driven by the IoT. Hear how machine learning and the manipulation of massive amounts of data are being used to gain insights previously out of reach. Explore predictive analytics, process driven decision making, distribute networks and more.

  • Gaining the benefits of Predictive and Prescriptive analytics
  • AI and IoT: Integrated at edge?
  • Real Time Big Data: 6 seconds to obsolescence
  • Building IoT platforms for third party use
  • Process driven decision making
  • Real Time Business Intelligence
  • BIA – Rapid Prototyping with Open Devices
  • Distributed Databases

Security Track

The greatest hurdle facing the IoT right now is Security. And what’s even more challenging: it’s a moving target. Recognizing that, we bring this a dedicated Security program to our agenda with the goal of arming attendees with the most up-to-date tools for protecting their networks and their customers.

  • Privacy Issues
  • Designing for redundancy
  • Technical solutions to ensure cyber security
  • Core principles for device OEMs to implement an IoT security Strategy

Smart Cities Conference, Collocated with IoT Evolution

Discover the Nearly Limitless Potential of Smart Cities. Hear about solutions that will drive city wide improvements and better the lifestyle of residents.

The growth of smart cities will exponentially accelerate in the coming years. Attend IoT Evolution’s Smart Cities Conference and hear how your company can leverage these new capabilities to create new business models and drive revenue.

  • IoT solutions that effectively manage our water supply
    5G and smart city rollouts
  • The value of big data in smart city development
  • Heterogenous networks that enable smart city applications
  • Municipal Wi-Fi
  • New IoT insurance business models that efficiently report and monitor risk factors
  • Enhanced supply chain management processes.

Industrial IoT Conference, Collocated with IoT Evolution

The Industrial IoT Conference will focus on the IoT technologies and solutions specifically related to manufacturing and industrial applications.

Get insight and knowledge on the critical issues associated with integrating IoT solutions into your manufacturing processes. Topics include:

  • Harnessing sensor data for manufacturing insight
  • Interoperability – devices, standards and architectures
  • IIoT’s impact on manufacturing workforce and required skillsets – Got Skills Gap?
  • IT’s role in the IIoT – selecting an IoT platform
  • Role of new distributed computing architectures to support IIoT
  • Security and privacy concerns
  • Industrial Controls of legacy systems.
  • Gateway functions on factory Floor
  • Business Model transformation” Just In Time IOT Solutions.

IoT Evolution Expo Hall

The IoT Evolution Expo Hall includes a showcase of the leading IoT and M2M solutions providers plus numerous networking and informational events to keep you meeting and talking to the industry’s leading minds and IoT strategists. Special Expo Floor events include;

  • Case Study Presentations – Talk to vendors, carriers and solutions providers; learn from them, hear what works and what doesn’t, create an action plan
  • Business Impact Award Winners – Hear from companies, large and small, who have successfully, implemented an IoT solution to solve a business issue or drive revenue. Hear what transforms a sensor into a service
  • Special IoT Evolution Theatre Content – get access to special programming on IoT in a small interactive setting

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