Dates: November 14-17, 2018 | Register here
Prices: starting from GBP 196,-
Location: Brighton, the United Kingdom

Meaning Conference 2018

The planet is in crisis. Our institutions are failing us. On this knife edge, business has a critical role to play in innovating and piloting new methods, approaches and ways of working to create a more sustainable, equitable and humane world.

As individuals, we cannot afford the luxury of dividing our personal values from our daily working lives. The future is ours to create and we all have a role to play in making it a better one.

Bold ideas

Meaning brings you bold ideas from unexpected places. It brings you thinkers and doers from business, activism, academia and the arts. It brings you the pioneering purpose-driven businesses innovating to disrupt not only their sectors but whole systems.

Beyond the auditorium

At Meaning smaller groups gather beyond the auditorium to go deeper into the themes that move them most in workshops and breakout discussions. The serendipity is engineered to help you connect with and learn from your fellow travellers on the road to better business.

More than a conference

Meaning is a community. In addition to the conference, an array of Meaning Fringe events provide opportunities to really get to know the ideas and the people who gather in Brighton each November. With talks, bike rides, walks and pub meet-ups, Meaning Fringe adds to the unique Meaning experience.

Why come to Meaning?

  • Inspiration:Ā Hear mind-blowing ideas and find real world examples of pioneering businesses innovating to disrupt their own sectors and whole systems.
  • Challenge:Ā Encounter uneasy ideas, unexpected emotions and alternative perspectives on the role of business in society.
  • Learning:Ā Explore new ways to approach business problems and gain practical tools to take back into your work that will help you create the sort of future we can all get excited about.
  • Community:Ā Find yourself at the heart of a warm, respectful, intelligent gathering of fellow travellers and potential collaborators.
  • Encouragement:Ā Discover evidence that the possibility of a better business world goes way beyond theory or wishful thinking. It is already on its way.
  • Fun:Ā Meaning is a hugely enjoyable event. You will meet some amazing people. You will laugh. You may also cry. And you will eat very tasty food.

Meaningā€™s core themes

  • Post-growth economics
    What happens when capitalism is no longer working?
  • The future of work
    How do we create meaning in a world where conventional work may no longer exist? And which organisational structures will best serve us?
  • Beyond sustainability
    What kind of systemic change is needed to support people and the planet?
  • Disruptive innovation
    Who are the people making meaningful change happen? And what can we learn from them?
  • Personal growth
    How do we need to develop as individuals to thrive in these volatile times? And what are the tools we need in order to have a meaningful impact with our work?
  • 21st-century leadership
    What kind of leaders do we need ā€“ and what is leadership today anyway?

Who will be there?

  • Big-thinking entrepreneurs and intrapreneurs looking for inspiration and community
  • Leaders from large companies, charities and public-sector bodies
  • Consultants and agencies looking for fresh thinking to help their clients thrive through the disruption
  • HR professionals who believe people are at the heart of business
  • Sustainability-driven innovators balancing profit and planet
  • Students, apprentices and interns building purpose-driven business careers
  • 500 passionate people who care deeply about creating a meaningful impact

Interested in attending the Meaning Conference 2018? Register your participation by followingĀ the registration linkĀ and taking the suggested steps.

For moreĀ opportunities, check ourĀ opportunitiesĀ section and subscribe to ourĀ weekly newsletters.


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