Deadline: May 2, 2018 00:00 CEST
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Eligibility: There is no age requirement, but particularly young people are encouraged to apply. Misk Grand Challenges innovators should be linked to an institution capable of receiving a grant. The grants will not be made to individuals.
Prizes:Ā Awards total USD 100,000 each, to be provided over two years, with an opportunity to apply for follow-on funding afterwards.

Misk Grand Challenges 2018

Misk Grand Challenges aims to help young people change the world by empowering them to create fresh, innovative solutions to global challenges facing the next generation.

Misk Grand Challenges is a collaboration between the Misk Foundation, a non-profit philanthropic foundation established by HRH Crown Prince Mohammad bin Salman to empower young people to succeed in the knowledge economy, and the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, which funds global health and development programs for the worldā€™s poorest people.

Over a three-year period, Misk Grand Challenges plans to launch new challenges every six months, offering 100 young innovators across the world a grant of $100,000 to develop their ingenious ideas into a concrete proof of concept.

The challenges will focus on two themes- Global Citizenship and Education.

Global Citizenship

Misk Grand Challenges is looking for innovative ideas on how young people can help deliver the Global Goals for Sustainable Development.

Global Citizenship challenges seek to create a generation of young people committed to achieving these Global Goals, which include eradicating poverty, promoting health and wellbeing, delivering on gender equality and ensuring responsible consumption and production.


Misk Grand Challenges is looking for innovative solutions to the challenges our education systems face in providing high-quality teaching to all students.

Each challenge will focus on a different aspect of the education system and will seek to identify the critical barriers to success. We want your bright ideas to help remove these barriers.

Why apply?

Awards total USD 100,000 each, to be provided over two years, with an opportunity to apply for follow-on funding afterward.

Alongside funding, winners will be invited to join a network of global changemakers by:

  • Attending the 2nd annual ā€˜Goalkeepersā€™ event in September 2018. Organized by the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation and Project Everyone, this event aims to accelerate progress on the Global Goals by bringing together new generations of leaders to tackle extreme poverty and disease.
  • Attending the Misk Global Forum, an annual gathering that brings young leaders, creators and thinkers together with established global innovators to explore, experience and experiment with ways to meet the challenges of change.
    joining a virtual community of Grand Challenges awardees and partners a network of over 2,500 awardees

Interested in attending the Misk Grand Challenges 2018? Register your participation by followingĀ the registration linkĀ and taking the suggested steps.

For moreĀ opportunities, check ourĀ opportunitiesĀ section and subscribe to ourĀ weekly newsletters.


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