Deadline: January 15, 2021 00:00 CET| Apply here
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Eligibility: Any currently enrolled student, graduate or undergraduate, in a school of business, communications or journalism who is pursuing a degree (full-time or part-time) is eligible toĀ participate. Each individual studentā€™s projected graduation date cannot predate May 2020.Ā Students may participate as sole authors or as members of a case study team (not to exceedĀ four people). In order to participate, each student author or case study team must haveĀ sponsorship of a faculty member who is expected to advise and guide the case’s development.Ā Faculty sponsors may be full-time or part-time, regular or adjunct, tenured or non-tenured.

Page Case Study Competition 2021

Page, in alliance with the Institute for Public Relations, conducts an annual competition for the writing of original case studies by students enrolled in a school of business, communication or journalism and who are pursuing a degree that is focused on corporate communications and the practice of public relations.

The objectives of the competition are to introduce the practical applications of the core principles that define public relations as a critical function of management to scholars, teachers, and students, and encourage research that contributes to the profession’s body of knowledge and provides practical suggestions on how to improve the corporate public relations function.

Student authors of winning entries and their faculty advisors are awarded cash prizes and recognized by the nation’s leading corporate communications executives.


At the discretion of the judges, cash prizes totaling $18,500 will be presented to student caseĀ writers and faculty sponsors/advisors, as listed below:

Grand prize

  • Student(s): $5,000
  • Faculty Advisor(s): $1,500

Prizes for submissions from business schools

  • Student(s):Ā 1st place $2,500
    2nd place $1,500
    3rd place $800
  • Faculty Advisor(s):Ā 1st place $650
    2nd place $350
    3rd place $200

Prizes for submissions from communication/journalism schools

  • Student(s): 1st place $2,500
    2nd place $1,500
    3rd place $800
  • Faculty Advisor(s):Ā 1st place $650
    2nd place $350
    3rd place $200

Interested in applying for the Page Case Study Competition 2021? Register your participation by followingĀ theĀ registration linkĀ and taking the suggested steps.

For more life-changingĀ opportunities, subscribe to ourĀ weekly newsletterĀ and follow us onĀ Twitter,Ā Facebook,Ā InstagramĀ andĀ LinkedIn.


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