Deadline: September 30, 2016,Ā | Apply here
[Oops, the opportunity has already expired. Sign up to AlphaGammaĀ weekly newsletters to stay ahead of the game]
Prize: A ‘Get Started’ programme worth 250 euros,
Funding from Erasmus University to execute your idea,
A chance to present your idea at the CGI stage in the United States.

The Clinton Global Initiative & The Social Entrepreneurship Challenge

Erasmus University presents the Social Entrepreneurship Challenge!

Are you an entrepreneur? Do you aspire to make a social impact on the world? Erasmus University joined the Clinton Global Initiative in an engaging social business challenge.

What is the Social Entrepreneurship Challenge?

Erasmus University joined the Clinton Global Initiative (CGI) consortium of colleges & universities. The initiative’s aim is to support, mentor & provide funding to ideas of social student entrepreneurs.

CGI was founded in 2008 and is active in over 145 countries and 875 schools around the world. Be part of the social movement and submit your business plan now!

The focus areas are:

  • Education
  • Environment and Climate Change
  • Peace and Human Rights
  • Poverty Alleviation and Public Health

Why participate in the Social Entrepreneurship Challenge?

The Social Entrepreneurship Challenge together with the Erasmus Sustainability Hub and Erasmus Centre for EntrepreneurshipĀ want to make a global impact with students and engage them to come up with innovative social ideas to contribute to a better world for everyone.

How does the Social Entrepreneurship Challenge work?

There will be two rounds for this challenge:

  • In the first round, students will have to submit a one-page proposal of your social idea to the google form.
  • After the selection process, students will hear back from ECE Students & Sustainability Hub about whether they made it through.
  • In the second round, students will have to pitch their ideas in front of a jury.


  • The winner will get professional coaching from the ECE ‘Get Started’ program (a 10-week program to prepare students to launch their idea).
  • Students will also receive a budget from Erasmus University to execute their idea in real life.
  • Last but not least, students will be able to present their ideas on the world stage at the Clinton Global Initiative event in the United States.

Timeline of Events:

  • September 30Ā – Initial Submission Due via Google Form. From these submissions, 20 will be chosen to move onto the second round of Pitch Presentations.
  • October 14 and 21Ā [9:00-14:00] – Training & Pitch Presentations will take place. Lunch is included. From these pitches, 10 will be selected to ECE ‘GetStarted’.
  • November – ECE ‘GetStarted’ Program with mentors
  • December 1st – Final Submission for CGI

For more business and careerĀ opportunities, check ourĀ opportunitiesĀ section and subscribe to ourĀ weekly newsletters.


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