Do you want your articles to rank high? Then take a look at the Commensalist SEO Method.

The Commensalist SEO Method

After publishing an article on a blog or a website, you almost always search for that article on Search Engines to see if your post appears on the front page.

Admit it, we all do that!

And 80% of the time (depending on the keyword competition), your article does not appear on the first page.

Most times we end up getting frustrated cos the big guys have claimed the first spot.

In this article, Iā€™ll be showing you how to create a blog post for a subject matter that would appear on the first page of search engine results using a clever SEO method I coined.

Iā€™ll be using my article onĀ The Moving Man MethodĀ as a case study.

ThisĀ SEOĀ method is calledĀ ā€œThe Commensalist SEO methodā€ ā€“Ā (Coined by me)

Before you write ā€“ Checklist

  • Is your website optimized for SEO? ā€“ The method Iā€™m to teach you will only work well if youā€™ve made efforts to improve your website SEO. Check out how to Improve your websiteā€™s SEO.
  • Are you ready to do some quality research on the article youā€™re about to write about?

So, here we go!

Normally, writing an article on a very competitive niche is tedious. Most of the big guys would be occupying the first page.

The fact is, most times the very top notch firms occupy the first to the third position on the first page of search engine results, while other blogs take what remains.

As a young Nigerian entrepreneur and blogger in a very competitive niche ā€“ tech ā€“ I want to do everything possible to outrank other guys in the market.

After weeks of studying Googleā€™s Algorithm updates dating far back to 2000 and to the most recent updates ā€“ ā€œFredā€ (March 2017), I found out a way to write articles that rank high on the first page of search engine results by taking advantage of the top existing search result websites ā€“ The Commensalist SEO Method.

As with all SEO methods, The Commensalist SEO Method is backed by Google Algorithms.

Below are the Algorithms that The Commensalist SEO method is based on.

1. HillTop Algorithm

In short, when a keyword/search term is queried on Google, this Algorithm brings up pages that have the most unaffiliated outbound links to the keyword. i.e if your article is about ā€œThe Moving Man Methodā€, and you link to 50 well-ranked blog articles that also define ā€œthe moving man methodā€, you would be favored by the Hilltop Algorithm because your article is now seen as an information hub for that particular keyword.

The image below is a snapshot of the Algorithmā€™s documentation on Wikipedia

Hilltop Algorithm

Hilltop is essentially an on-page SEO signal way that tells Google whether or not a page is a ā€œhubā€ of information.


How does Google know which pages are hubs?

Itā€™s simple: Hubs are determined by the quality and relevancy of that pageā€™s outbound links.

This makes total sense if you think about itā€¦

The pages you link out to tend to reflect the topic of your page.

And pages that link to helpful resources also tend to be higher-quality than pages that only link to their own stuff.

In other words, pages that link out to awesome resources establish themselves as hubs of helpful content in the eyes of Google.

In fact, a recent industry study found a correlation between outbound links and Google rankings.

2. Backlinks

Backlinks are incoming hyperlinks from one web page to another website. TheyĀ happen when a website links to your own website.


Since way back, Google uses Backlinks to determine the place of Websites on its result pages.

This video below shows just how important backlinks are.

The Commensalist SEO method.

This method combines the power of outbound links and Backlinks to boost your postā€™s ranking on Search engine result pages.

Writing your article

1. Outbound links

When creating an article, you need to find mainstream websites that have written content about that subject. Link to them from your article.

You can run a query on Google for that keyword, youā€™ll see lots of articles you could read and link to.

2. Getting backlinks

You can get backlinks to your articles from top websites and forums in your niche to help boost your articleā€™s ranking.

You can leave comments on a similar article and add a link to your article, or answer a question on Quora that is related to your article and add a link to your article.

Backlinks from comment sections can actually improve your ranking.

Matt Cutts reveals that he occasionally leaves links too on comments.

Using The Commensalist SEO method Iā€™ve successfully ranked my article at number 3 for the keyword ā€“ The moving man method.

Iā€™ll be showing you in detail how I did this.

A case study

Some weeks back I made a post on the Moving Man Method of SEO by Brian Dean, which is a pretty competitive search term in Google.

Before I did that, I ran a Google search for the keyword to see the top competitors.

Note: The screenshot was taken after I had done all the processes in this article. Hence my site ranking #3.

In the image above youā€™d see that the top competitors for that keyword:

So I studied the topic and made a well-detailed post on the article, Placing lots of outbound links to Backlinko and Artdriverā€™s article.

I made use of on-page SEO techniques to optimize the article. You can check the article to see how well it was structured.

Then I published the article.

I gathered backlinks to the article this way

From comment sections of the top notch in the niche, I went to ArtDriverā€™s article and made a comment.

I thanked him for the wonderful article he wrote, told him I use it for my website and that Iā€™ve created a similar article ā€“ leaving a link to my article.Ā The commensalist seo method

Most bloggers would approve links to your article onlyĀ if you place a link thatĀ acknowledges them. I also left such comments on several other sites. Some sites approved the comment, some didnā€™t.

You need to be cautious not to just leave your link. Strike up a conversation.

Q&A Forums (Quora)

I ran a search on Google and found a thread on Quora, where someone was asking if Brian Deanā€™s SEO method was real.

I left a comment on the thread, told him it really worked and left him a link to my article which explained the method to him.

The commensalist seo method

Tweet, Share, Pin!

I shared the article via social media. Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest.

Itā€™s a good practice to share your articles on social media. It increases your page views.

After I did all this I was able to get up my article to the 3rd position in less than a week.

the commensalist seo method

Summary of the Commensalist SEO Method

  1. Create a well-detailed article.
  2. Make use of on-page SEO techniques.
  3. Apply numerous outbound links to relevant articles on the same topic.
  4. Gather Backlinks from other sites.
  5. Share your article.

Have questions to ask about the Commensalist SEO Method? Please DO! Just leave them in comments below!

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