The technology in e-commerce evolves at a rapidĀ pace.

In this article, I’ll review the 6 more important changes in e-commerce you must take into account.

The 6 changes in E-Commerce to take into account in 2017

The digital industry is becoming more competitive following the rapid changes happening around it every day.

Some of the changes are small while others can be very complex leading to a change in the entire interface of the digital item. Therefore, monitoring and keeping up with the industry trends require dedication and daily immersion of the workers and the company’s stakeholders.

Staying up to date with the current trends plays a vital role in e-commerce by helping businesses increase their competitiveness, gain more experience, and identify more opportunities.

Website development is growing at an alarming rate, meaning that competition for the Google rankings is increasing every day. Therefore, companies have to keep up with the latest digital trends and technologies like saas solutions and incorporate them into their sites to develop more traffic, sales, and leads.

Digital marketers should distinguish between useful improvements and the mediocre content in the digital world to improve the state of retail and avoid holding plenty of useless data.Ā 

How to stay up to date with the digital trends

Here you have some of the ways that businesses can stay up to date with the ever-changing digital trends:

1. Subscriptions to newsletters

Growing a business can be time-consuming leaving the business owner with no time to check various websites and Salesforce commerce cloud. Most highly ranked websites and blogs have a newsletter that sends direct updates to the subscribers. An email subscription helps a business owner in keeping track of the websites and the content that they publish every day.

2. Google alerts

The Google alerts allow anyone to set email notifications for the latest updates and relevant trends. The digital user can personalize the alerts by filtering the content according to the region, relevance, and the occurrence. They can also choose whether they want updates in content writing, social media information, or anything else that is digital.

3. Use of blogs

There are numerous blogs created with websites such as Tumblr, WordPress, and Blogger among others.

The blogs give information on almost every current thing happening globally.

They publish their content on either daily or weekly basis meaning that the news is up to date and relevant.

The blogs can provide any information ranging from the developments in the technology to the state of retail and the effects that the changes have in the retail industry.

4. Monitor other competing brands

It is highly likely that a competing brand has adopted a particular digital trend in the industry that your company does not have.

Monitoring their activities and the reports provided by competing brands helps a business identify the key trends in the industry and their performance levels.

Saas solutions also provide shared platforms for running Salesforce commerce cloud.

5. Following important figures on social media sites

Famous companies and entrepreneurs have a tendency of sharing relevant information on social media sites such as Facebook, Twitter, and LinkedIn.

Additionally, tone can join numerous social media groups and pages to gain the current updates in the digital world.

The links provided on the social media may contain relevant information for use.

The industry leaders may also share their thoughts and opinion on the various updates on their feeds.

6. Watch and listen to podcasts and videos

Interviews with various prominent leaders and listening to the podcasts provide in-depth information about the current trends in the markets.

Do a regular search on different listings to find the current information on digital commerce and listen to it for a clear understanding.


Staying up to date with the digital trends is one of the leading ways to ensure growth in your company.

Also, it helps entrepreneurs in noticing their prospective clients and predicts potential threats in their business world. Integrating the various methods stated above improves the efficiency in keeping up to date with the digital trends.

What’s your view about the hottest e-commerce trends? How are you taking advantage of these trends? Leave you opinion in the comment section below and let us know.

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