Deadline: December 31, 2023 00:00 CET
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Dates: February 5 - April 30, 2024
Eligibility: US startups in Climate Change, Blockchain, Climate Tech, Financial Services, Web 3.0, and various AI sectors, at any stage from idea to Series A funding.
Location: Chicago, IL, the United States

AI2030 Accelerator 2024

AI2030 is an initiative aimed at harnessing the transformative power of AI to benefit humanity while minimizing its potential negative impact.

The initiative is driven by the belief that individuals from all backgrounds and diverse perspectives can drive positive change and ensure AI’s positive impact on society.

Responsible AI for a better world

AI2030 seeks to shape global AI agendas and foster public-private collaboration in the responsible development and use of AI. The initiative addresses various aspects of responsible AI, including governance, regulations, industry-specific frameworks, principles, best practices, and cutting-edge tools and solutions.

AI 2030 Accelerator identifies and supports the growth of responsible AI tools and solutions while promoting their adoption in industries. It aims to accelerate the implementation of responsible AI innovations through a co-founder as a service model.

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Who should apply for the AI2030 Accelerator?

AI’s swift deployment in regulated sectors like finance and healthcare raises concerns over transparency, fairness, accountability, and privacy (TFAP).

The current landscape lacks adequate tools and solutions to guarantee TFAP in the adoption of AI. Moreover, there remains substantial untapped potential in the convergence of AI and DLT/blockchain technology to address pressing climate, ESG, and sustainability issues. AI2030 Accelerator invites the following solutions:

  • Responsible AI in Regulated Industries: Non-DLT/Blockchain-based solutions to ensure TFAP in AI applications within finance and healthcare.
  • DLT/Blockchain for Responsible AI: DLT/Blockchain-based solutions to ensure TFAP in AI applications.
  • AI+DLT for Climate Challenges: AI+DLT/Blockchain solutions to scale climate, ESG business models, and innovative climate financial instruments.

Interested in applying for the AI2030 Accelerator 2024? Register your participation by following theĀ application linkĀ and taking the suggested steps.

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