Deadline: August 30, 2020 00:00 CEST| Apply here
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Eligibility: Founders with the right team to execute are suitable to apply, as well as teams that have already built a basic version of their product / a prototype. Please keep in mind that projects with a track record have more chances of being selected.
Location: Remote

StepFWD 2020

Join StepFWD, the pre-accelerator for tech startups with diverse teams and get access to the best tools for turning your passion into a viable business, with the help of experienced mentors and investors.

StepFWD is dedicated to first-time and early-stage entrepreneurs who want to grow a prototype or idea into a profitable business

The program will wrap-up with Demo Day, an event where the participating teams will showcase their products and businesses in a 5-minute pitch.

Demo Day is the most important event from the program, allowing you to present your business in front of potential investors or partners and get lots of feedback from the experienced entrepreneurs.

  • Connect
    Access the local startup network and connect with trusted entrepreneurs, investors, corporate partners and industry experts.
  • Learn
    Jumpstart your business model validation process through hands-on workshops and mentoring sessions.
  • Evolve
    Test assumptions about your business idea and identify the crucial next steps in launching your business.
  • Pitch
    Celebrate your achievements during the program by presenting your startup in front of an audience of investors, corporates, mentors and press attendees during Demo Day.

Why join the program?

The StepFWD program is structured over a 8 weeks time span. During each week there will be workshops and mentoring sessions with different topics.

All workshops will be delivered by the founders of established startups and seasoned industry professionals.

Your startup will be paired with a lead mentor that will advise and guide you for the duration of the program.

  • 8-week program
    The program is a 360-degree experience that teaches you the basics of founding a startup, from incorporating and legal mechanics to product development and sales.
  • Hands-on workshops
    The workshops are delivered by seasoned entrepreneurs and industry experts and are designed to be actionable hands-on experiences.
  • Tailored mentorship
    Your startup will be paired with a lead mentor that will advise and guide you for the duration of the program.
  • Network
    You’ll get access to an extended network of entrepreneurs, investors and corporate partners, enabling you to navigate the local startup ecosystem.

Interested in applying for the StepFWD 2020? Register your participation by following the registration link and taking the suggested steps.

For more opportunities, check our opportunities section and subscribe to our weekly newsletters.


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