November is my favorite month, and it’s also the second month of the last quarter.

Make the best of Q4: Grow your business & generate leads

It’s time to set big goals for yourself and grow your business to make the best of what’s left of 2017.

What’s the best way to start seeing some growth and results? Taking ACTION!

There is a big difference between mapping out your business plan and setting goals VS taking action and getting things done.

When speaking about social media, one of the most commonly asked questions by clients is regarding lead generation.

Frankly, stepping out of my comfort zone and offering value is what works best for along with a few effective tricks I’ve put into practice.

Along with that, making sure that I follow-through on the goals I set for myself is key.

Here are my best tips for getting things done:

  • Everything that can be done under TWO minutes should be done first on your list.
  • If there is something that makes you feel uncomfortable on your to-do list, do it more often.
  • Sit down once per week and go over what you’ve done to get you closer to your business goals.
  • Work with an accountability buddy or mentor.
  • Do what works for you and your business. Even if something may not be considered to be on-trend, if it works for you and you see great results from it, go for it!
  • Spend some time each day investing in your personal growth. Read articles, listen to podcasts, watch videos, etc. In the world of business & social media, there is always something new to learn and always something that can be done a little better.
  • Listen to your body. If your body tells you that you need a break, know that it’s okay to step away and take a breather. You need to work hard and be consistent to see results, but what good is that if you burn yourself out!

By following through on the small goals/ action-steps, you set for yourself you are more likely to see results than if you just “let things happen.”

When we say “grow your business” we actually mean you have to put-in the work, same applies to social media.

I hope that this last quarter will be filled with business growth, positivity, new connections, adventures & lots of SUCCESS for everyone!

What do you think? How do you prepare for the end of Q4? I would love to hear your thoughts on this in the comments below.

For more business tips, check our entrepreneurship section and subscribe to our weekly newsletters.


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